
In English
ImpulSE Farkas March 2014
Farkas ImpulSE presentation April 2014
ImpulSE-Overview-SEd-Lisbon November-2014
Korevaar keynote presentation November 2015
Van Meijeren Peer Support Group
AEIPS Sa Fernandes Participant’s personal stories
AEIPS Oliveira Advocay and Contextual Intervention
Korevaar Implementation of Education
SEd in the Netherlands
SEd Decision Making Course
SEd ImpulSE June 2015

Poster presentations SEd Conference November 2015:
3. Ledovec and its role in SEd
4. Expertise Centre for SEd 
5. Implementation of SEd
7. Peer2Peer
12. Disclosure
13. ImpulSE Toolkit 

17. AEIPS SEd Program

In Czech
Presentation Czech partners at conference RoPoV-March 2014
Ledovec Activities June-November 2015- presentations project and ENSED
Ledovec powerpoint presentation November 9th 2015 at Ledovec
Presentation by Ledovec November 2015

In Dutch
Presentation the Netherlands at Medilex conference December 2013
Presentation the Netherlands at symposium Utrecht March-2014
Presentation the Netherland at conference Groningen-April-2014
Presentation the Netherlands at Medilex conference October 2014
SEd 10-12-13

SEd 8-10-2014
Workshop The Netherlands at symposium on SEd November 2014
Omgaan met psychische aandoeningen
Welkom Dagvoorzitter
Inter psy March 2015
H+S 1 oktober 2015
Inclusie Education 6 oktober 2015 
H+S 8 oktober 2015
H+S 15 oktober 2015
Vroegrehabilitatie 15 oktober 2015

In Norwegian
SIB presentation WAPR-2 2014
Presentation Norway at WAPR -may 2014
Presentation Norway at WAPR-august 2014
Presentation Norway at SiB health care services
SiB seminar psychiatrists from Portugal April 4 2015
Presentation by SiB at seminar with mental health workers from the Czech Republic December 2014

In Portuguese
Presentation Portugal at AEIPS training-June 2014
Presentation Portugal at AIEPS training November 2013
ImpulSE – reunião teórica Junho 2014