
On this page you will find information about how to join the European Network Supported Education (ENSEd)  as well as the benefits of being a member.

The European Network Supported Education (ENSEd) is an international network of people (lecturers, teachers, tutors, mental health practitioners, students, clients, family members, reserachers and policy makers) and organizations dedicated to improve the support of people with psychiatric disabilities who want to return to or to remain at school.

Membership types
Members of ENSEd can be either individual members or organizational members. Organisations who wish to join will have to nominate an individual within their organisation to hold the membership. If you are not a European citizen or organization you still can join ENSEd.

Membership benefits
Membership is for free and benefits include: 

  • Updated SEd information for anyone (students, consumers, professionals, family members, etc) who are interested in SEd
  • Exchange of information, ideas and experiences for professionals who are involved in SEd activities
  • Information and advice for organisations who want to start SEd activities
  • Newsletters with information about Supported Education and related topics
  • 2-3 years SEd conference
  • Listing SEd knowledge, services and products you offer on our ENSEd members page

Refer a colleague, friend, or family member for membership! To join ENSEd, please go to our Supported Education Group at LinkedIn.

If you’d like more information on any of our benefits contact Karola Nap,